I was born an O but I think like an X. I've been in relationships with both X's and O's and I increase X and O in the body for a living. Tic-Tac-Toe is the oldest game in the world literally and metaphorically. In DNA a man is a 1X and a woman is a 2X. X is the factor in Tic-Tac-Toe and in this game called life.
My German last name means Bad and my mother is from Newfoundland. I'm a Bad Newfie at root.
Finding gratitude in my Bad has been my greatest teacher. It took me 30 years to turn my bad shit into fertilizer.
My Bad philosophy comes from living more than working and from touching skin more than screens the last 24 years. I'm one of those late bloomers, I hated school and then I fell in love with learning at age 40, after taking a course on the lymphatic system. In 2017 I felt like a super hero, after healing a concussion in one treatment. Being able to take away pain from someone who has been suffering for months was an amazing feeling that ignited my curious George mind and my childhood spirit.
When I fell in love with learning about body water I began to fall in love with my hands, nature and myself. When helping others drove me more than making money, I knew I found purpose.
Falling in love with learning, made me question everything I was taught, this was the beginning of my awakening.
I was born to heal with my words before my hands. My creative writing journey began when I was 6 years old. Taking a two year sabbatical from massage because of Covid allowed me to find my first childhood passion again. For 24 years my hands did the talking for me and now my mouth has finally caught up.
When I found O, I found M.E (Mother Earth) and my kind-red-spirit.
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